madrone avenue - Bright Times

- tracklisting -

01 - Bright Times

02 - With Blind Eyes

03 - The Far Land

04 - White Scenery

05 - Cruelly Kind


Media : CD / Digital

Release Date : 27 February 2019 (CD) / 7 March 2019 (Digital)


- About the Album -


箱庭の室内楽、Ri Ri Riligiontexas pandaa、タラチネ、moleslopehenrytennishologram といったアンダーグラウンドシーンにおける良質なバンドの現・元メンバーが集結して結成された黒一点5人組ギターレスバンドmadrone avenueによるファーストミニアルバム。


メンバー3人が旅行中に滞在したサンフランシスコのマドロンアヴェニューにて新バンド を構想、帰国後本格的に活動を開始する。バンド名も結成の地であるサンフランシスコのマドロンアヴェニューから名付けられている。




This is the 1st EP by madrone avenue - a guitarless band with 4 girls and 1 guy, having two vocalists with crystal clear high toned voice. The members gathered from successful indie bands also playing in Tokyo (hakoniwa-no-shitunaigaku, Ri Ri Riligion, texas pandaa, tarachine, moleslope, henrytennis, hologram). 


Three of the initial members came up with the idea of this new band during they travel in San Francisco, and started their career after returning to Tokyo.  They named the band “madrone avenue” by the name of the avenue they stayed throughout their trip. 


After a long period of trials and errors trying to combine each members’ individuality, they established their original sound using computer music synchronizing with live music. The beautiful chorus work and arrangements influenced by post rock, electronica music builds up their original style.