木目鳥 - Mokumedori

- Tracklisting -

01 - tomoshibi 

02 - dans les bois 

03 - nursery 

04 - dialogue 

05 - petit piano 

06 - sign 

07 - ecole 

08  -gate 

09 - petit 

10 - shinonome 

11 - dialogue (Yawning "trialogue" remix)

Media : CD / Digital

Release date : 18 January 2017 (CD) / 20 February 2017 (digital)


- About the Album -



アヴァンポップ・トイミュージックや現代音楽の影響を独特のセンスで昇華し緻密に編み上げられた音世界は動く絵本のサウンドトラック。造形や装飾等演出上のアートワーク全てをも手掛け「おもちゃの楽器を奏でるミミちゃんとその頭に棲む”モクメドリさん”の世界」を描き出している。そのキュートさと見え隠れするダークネスはその音楽と相まってシュールで時にノスタルジック。子供の空想へと導かれるイントロのtomoshibiから童話の森に迷い込んだようなdans les boisへと続き物語はエンディングshinonomeまで深みを増していく


Mokumedori's first self-titled album contains a sense of nostalgia and melancholy that exist latently within the fragments of one’s memory. She creates a “picture story book in motion” using acoustic and toy instruments. 

  Uniquely blending influences including avant-pop, toy music, and contemporary classical music, Mokumedori’s soundscape is a soundtrack for a picture story book in motion. The world she constructs with her handcrafted masks and props illustrates little Mimi playing toy instruments while a menacing Mokumedori lingers in her mind. This creates a cute atmosphere with a glimpse of darkness, giving an air of surreality and nostalgia when blended with her music. Listeners will travel through an epic tale, starting with the first track “tomoshibi” that summons a child’s fantasy, followed by “dans les bois”, where they are led into a fairy tale forest, then proceed to continue deeper up to “shinonome”, the final track.